Minimum Percentage for Admissions and Eligibility for Appearing in Entrance Test
Minimum percentage and admission criteria for admission to courses being offered by the University are mentioned in the table 1 & 2 of this document. A relaxation of 5% in the eligibility criteria shall be admissible to the bonafide SC/ST applicants of Madhya Pradesh only. A relaxation of 5% in eligibility will also be applicable to Physically Challenged (Nishaktjan) as defined by M.P. Government.
The candidates awaiting their results of qualifying examination can also apply for admission but the candidate has to submit the final mark sheet of qualifying examination by the date as decided by the University.
Candidates who have passed their qualifying examination from universities other than Devi Ahilya University are required to submit Eligibility Certificate issued by the Devi Ahilya University, Indore.
Fresh admission will be given only in first semester / first year of the course.
Age Limit
As per the government rules the upper age limit for admission to undergraduate courses is 22 years whereas for postgraduate degree courses it is 27 years as on July 01, of the examination year. And 25 and 30 years respectively for SC / ST / OBC and physically handicapped candidate shall be provided for the applicants of Madhya Pradesh only. For candidate belonging to physically challenged category upper age limit for admission to Graduate and Post Graduate classes will be 30 and 35 years, respectively. There is no upper age limit for female, MBA (HA 2 yrs) and LL.M. candidates. For B.A. LL.B. course, upper age limit is 20 yrs for general category and 22 yrs. For SC/ ST/ OBC.
Non Eligibility For Admission
If the age is more than the requisite age.Applicants who are already holding a Master’s degree from a faculty shall not be eligible for the admission to a programme at same level in the same faculty as a regular candidate. Furthermore, a candidate, who has taken admission earlier in any course but left the course in between, due to whatever reason/s, will not be given regular admission in the same course.An applicant convicted by the court of law in India or outside or one against whom cases are being tried in the court/s or challan has been presented or have verifiable allegations against them concerning misbehavior/beating of students/officers/employees or a person against whom disciplinary action has been taken by Devi Ahilya University or any other University shall not be eligible for admission.A full time government employee/non-government employee cannot take admission in courses run during working hours. However, they can take admission in courses run after regular working hours. For the same they will have to produce a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from their employer.
Admission to N.R.I and PIO / Foreign Nationals
A. Foreign Nationals / Person of Indian Origin (PIO) : (a) Foreign Nationals : Citizen of all countries other than who are not of India origin as defined under PIO. Foreign student in this context shall be defined as the student who possesses the foreign passport.
(b) “PIO” means Persons of Indian Origin : PIOs are such persons who are citizens of other countries (except Pakistan and Bangladesh) who at any time held an Indian Passport, or who or either of his / her parents or any of his / her grandparents was a citizen of India by virtue of the provisions of the Constitution of India or Sec 2(b) of Citizenship Act, 1955. (Act No. 57 of 1955).
15% seats in all the programme are reserved for foreign nationals/ PIOs over and above the sanctioned intake. The candidates seeking admission against these seats shall be eligible for admission without the Entrance Test. Such candidates should fulfill the eligibility requirements of the concerned programme with at least 45% marks in aggregate in the qualifying examination. Such candidates should apply to the “Chairperson, Admission Committee, DAVV” separately. If the candidate fulfills all the qualifications, the University shall issue provisional admission letter to him/her and inform the concerned Indian Mission. On the basis of the provisional admission letter, the mission will issue a student visa to enable the student to come to India and join the University. It will be the sole responsibility of the student to seek admission in the concerned program within the time limit prescribe for admissions. No foreign student shall be admitted to any programme of University unless he/she fulfills the following conditions :
(a) Possesses eligibility certificate issued by the University.
(b) Deposited the requisite registration / renewal fee and immigration fee.
(c) Produces original passport and valid student visa.
(d) Certificate from the competent Media Officer to the effect that candidate is not HIV positive or suffering from AIDS.
(e) Certificate from District Administration / Police Department that candidate name has been enrolled in the register of foreign nationals.
(f) Produces original certificates of qualifying examinations.
The Eligibility Certificate and other documents will be issued to the candidate in person, on production of valid evidence of identity. The student should necessarily present himself/ herself. The certificates will not be granted and issued to his agents/ representatives/ friends etc. whosoever and whatsoever. Attested photocopy of all the above documents should be submitted at the time of admission.
B. NRI – Non-Resident Indian As per Income Tax Act, 1961 an individual is non-resident for income tax purpose, when he/she is not a resident or who is not ordinarily resident. A person is treated as ordinarily resident when any of the following conditions is satisfied.
If he/she has not been resident of India in nine out of ten preceding years.If he/she has not been in India for a period of 730 days or more during the preceding seven years.
Candidates who are seeking admission against seats reserved for non-resident Indians subject to the following conditions :
At least one of the parents of such candidates should be non-resident Indian and shall ordinarily be residing abroad as non-resident Indian;The person who sponsors the candidate for admission should be a first degree relation of the candidate and should be ordinarily residing abroad as a non-resident Indian;If the candidate has no parents or near relatives or taken as a ward by some other nearest relative such candidate may also be considered for admission provided the the guardian has bonafide treated the candidate as a ward and such guardian shall file an affidavit indicating the interest shown in the education affairs of the candidate and also his relationship with the candidate and such person also should be a non-resident Indian and ordinarily residing abroad.
The candidate seeking admission against NRI seats shall be eligible for admission without entrance test. Such candidates should fulfill the eligibility requirements of the concerned programme with at least 45% marks in aggregate in the qualifying examination. Such candidate should apply online through www.mponline.nic.in.
The candidates seeking admission against NRI seats shall be eligible for admission without the Entrance Test. Such candidates should fulfill the eligibility requirements for the concerned programme with atleast 45% marks in aggregate in the qualifying examination. Such candidates should apply to the “Chairperson Admission Committee, Institute of Management Studies, Takshshila Campus, Khandwa Road, DAVV, Indore”, separately along with the following documents :
DD of Rs. 5000/- or US $100 in favour of Registrar, DAVV, Indore.Photocopy of mark sheet of the qualifying examination.Eligibility certificate from the University.Certificate issued by Indian Diplomatic Mission or Chancellor or Commission abroad under their seal stating that the father/parent of the applicant is an Indian resident in that country.
Reservation Policy and Conversion Of Seats
Reservation of seats in courses offered by the University will be in accordance with the policy of Madhya Pradesh Government. The benefit of reservation will be available, only to the domiciles of Madhya Pradesh.Of the total seats, 16 % and 20 % seats in courses will be reserved for applicants belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) respectively. Seats of both these categories are interchangeable.Of the total seats in a course, 14 percent seats will be reserved for applicants form OBC category (except who are in creamy layer).Reservation for Persons with disabilities (Physically Handicapped Seats): One seat on over and above basis in each course will be reserved for the physically handicapped candidates with disability percentage of 40 or above. Candidate’s claiming admission against these seats shall be required to produce Disability Certificate from the concerned District Medical Board.A horizontal reservation of 30 percent of the total seats will be for women applicants.DAVV Employee ward quota : Admission for wards of the University employees will be done on the basis of University guidelines. These admissions will be over and above the total number of seats available in the concerned course.
(Ward here would mean husband, wife, son, daughter of the employee/teacher/officer. In this respect a certificate from the Registrar, Devi Ahilya University, Indore /Competent authority of the University shall be required)
Note: These seats are interchangeable, and can be converted to other category (Officer/Teacher to Employee or Vice -Versa) if they remain vacant.If less than half seat falls under reservation then the seat will not be available, but in case the proportion of seat is between half and one it will be treated as one.If reserved seats remain vacant on the day of counseling, the seat will be converted to general category on the basis of merit.To avail benefit of reservation a certificate from a Competent Authority should be produced.The candidate (applicants) must indicate explicitly the category for which he / she wants to avail the advantage of reservation for admission. This option will, in no case, be allowed to be changed.The candidate admitted under NRI category will not be transferred to any other category unless he/she has qualified entrance test and stands in merit.Conversion of vacant seats among reserved categories (SC / ST / OBC) will be done as per M.P. Government directives.J & K Migrants quota seats: One seat in each program shall be reserved for sons/daughters of the persons displaced from the state of Jammu and Kashmir settled in M.P. on or before 1st January, 1999. Such candidates shall have to produce a certificate from the S.D.O. (Revenue) of the concerned district in prescribed Performa.
Sons/ Daughters of the employees of M.P. Govt., who have served in the State of Jammu and Kashmir for curbing insurgency, are also covered under this quota.
Such candidates should have passed their qualifying examination from the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Candidates would be required to produce a certificate in prescribed Performa. The certificate should be produced at the time of counseling.J & K Resident Quota: One seat in each programme shall be reserved on over and above basis for residents of Jammu & Kashmir. The candidates seeking admission against these reserved seats shall be required to appear in Common Entrance Test conducted by University and submit appropriate certificate issued by the competent authority at the time of counseling. This reservation shall be over and above the sanctioned intake.
Entrance Test
Courses After 10+2
The papers will have objective type questions, having choices a, b, c, d and e each. The response sheet should be carefully filled up by the candidate as instructed on the question-paper booklet. The written test papers will be in English. The candidate can opt for all the groups test, if eligible. The test timings will be different.
1. The Test for Group B & G shall include 75 questions in all, following section will have 15 questions each
Quantitative AbilityData InterpretationLogical Reasoning and General IntelligenceEnglish Language ComprehensionGeneral Awareness and Awareness of Socio-economic environment2. The Test for Group C, shall include total 75 question of which 15 questions will be from English and 20 questions each from Physics, Mathematics/Biology/Bio Technology and Chemistry. In the Test for Group C, choice to candidate will be as follows :
B. Pharm.: English, Physics, Mathematics/Biology/Bio Technology, ChemistryMBA (HA) : English, Physics, Biology, ChemistryMCA, M. Tech. & B. Pharm.: English, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry (Students who do not opt for Mathematics will not be considered for MCA/M.Tech/BCA.)
Courses After Graduation
1. There will be a common test paper for Group A
The papers will have objective type questions, having choices a, b, c, d and e each. The response sheet should be carefully filled up by the candidate as instructed on the question-paper booklet. The written test papers will be in English. The candidate can opt for all the groups test, if eligible. The test timings will be different.The test of Group A shall include 75 questions in all, following section will have 15 questions each :Quantitative AbilityData InterpretationLogical Reasoning and General IntelligenceEnglish Language ComprehensionGeneral Awareness and Awareness of Socio-Economic environment
2. The Test for Group D shall include 75 questions in all. A candidate will choose any three subjects from the following list. Each subject will have 25 questions.
Subjects : Physics / Zoology / Botany / Bio-Technology / Bio-Chemistry / Maths / Computer / Chemistry / Statistics / Electronics / Micro Biology.
3. The Test for Group E shall include 75 questions of which 15 questions will be from Numerical Ability section, and 20 questions each from remaining sections :Data InterpretationLogical Reasoning and General IntelligenceNumerical AbilityGeneral Awareness and Awareness of Socio-Economic environment
4. The Test for Group F shall include Law / Library Science / Hindi / Sanskrit as subjects. Each subject will have 75 questions. A candidate will choose one subject as per eligibility.
Test Centers
The examination centers will be at Indore, Bhopal, Gwalior, Raipur, Allahabad, Kota, and Delhi. Time and venue of test will be given along with admit card. University reserves the right to withdraw and allocate another center.
Admission in the Examination Hall :
Candidates shall be strictly under the administrative control of the Centre Superintendent during the test.Mobile Phone, Pager, Calculator and other similar electronic equipments shall not be allowed in the examination hall.Use of any kind of unfair means in the examination shall automatically disqualify the candidature.
Valuation :
The scheme of negative marking will be followed.
Declaration of Result:
The list of all candidates who appear for the Entrance Test, Category wise/ group-wise, indicating their merit will be displayed on the University/ Individual institute notice boards as well as on the University website (www.dauniv.ac.in). However candidates in their order of merit in different categories will be called for counseling. The selection of a candidate for a particular programme shall be decided by the Admission Committee at the time of counseling.
In case of tie at the same rank :
In case of Tie (more than one student on the same rank) in the admission on any rank, admission will be given as under :
a) higher percentage of marks in the qualifying examinations will be considered; b) in case where result of qualifying examination is not declared, seniority in age will be considered.
There is no provision for reevaluation of response sheets.
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CET (Common Entrance Test) - TCC Education News
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