Top 25 Tips to Prevent Hair Fall

  1. Be gentle with your hair.
    Use a wide-toothed comb while brushing and combing the hair initially. It will help to prevent pulling out of the hair. Limit the tension on hair from styles that use rubber bands, braids etc.
  2. Avoid brushing wet hair.
    When your hair is wet, it is in its weakest state. One must avoid brushing wet hair as the possibility of hair loss increases. In case you cannot avoid must comb wet hair, use a very wide-toothed comb. Sometimes, you can use your fingers to undo tangles, not a comb or a brush.
  3. Avoid brushing too frequently.
    Yes, continuously stroking the scalp will increase the blood flow (up to an extent) but you must avoid brushing hair too frequently as doing so can injure the hair and increase loss.
  4. Hot water, warm water or cold water?
    Initially, begin with warm water (not boiling hot which damages the hair). That will help the pores open up and help you get rid of any dirt or build-up more effectively. Then, reduce the temperature of your shower to lukewarm water when you apply shampoo and finally to cool water when you apply conditioner. Rinse your hair with cold water for your final rinse to seal the hair’s moisture. Coldwater also closes the cuticles, which adds shine to your hair. If adjusting the temperature is not possible then using lukewarm or cold water is ideal.
  5. A final rinse with soft water.
    Use special water as a finishing rinse (such as water treated by your RO water purifier) to maintain the pH balance of your scalp and remove the hardness. This is especially useful if you are living in a place where the tap water is hard.
  6. Use a microfibre cloth to dry your hair (Gently).
    Investing in a microfibre towel is one of the best things you can do for your hair. It helps in soaking the water and drying the hair faster with minimum friction ensuring that the hair fall is lesser, as compared to when you are using a regular towel. 
  7. De-stress – Lifestyle changes to reduce stress.
    Studies in the past have found medical evidence to link stress with hair loss. You must “de-stress” yourself. One of the ways of doing it is by practising meditation and yoga which not only reduces stress but restores hormonal balance too.
  8. Have a nutritious, well Balanced diet.
    Eating a nutritious diet that includes proteins and certain vitamins and minerals is essential for good hair health. To know more about the best foods to consume for healthy hair, you can check out this article.
  9. Keep yourself hydrated.
    One-fourth of the hair shaft is made up of water. Have at least eight glasses of water in a day to stay hydrated and for the growth of healthy hair.
  10. Wash your scalp regularly.
    Washing your scalp regularly, three times a week and using a good dermatologist-recommended shampoo for cleansing the scalp is beneficial for healthy hair. Use a gentle shampoo and wash your scalp in gentle circular motions. If you have an oily or itchy scalp, you can consult your dermatologist who can recommend a proper hair care routine suited for you.
  11. Rinse the shampoo off properly.
    Sometimes, when the scalp is not rinsed properly after shampooing, the leftover ingredients can cause irritation and damage to the hair so be sure to be thorough.
  12. Use a good conditioner.
    You should use a good quality conditioner and apply a small quantity on the ends and centre of the wet hair (not sopping wet) while focussing on the oldest, most damaged sections. Using a conditioner on the scalp and roots can lead to over-conditioning. Keep it on for a few minutes and wash it off.
  13. Use a good hair serum.
    Those with dry and damaged hair should use a small amount of hair serum. Towel dry the hair until it’s slightly wet and apply the serum on the hair – centre and ends gently.
  14. Know what is bad for hair
    If you want to keep your hair healthy, you must know how to take care of them.
    • Avoid rubbing your hair dry with a towel.
      Rather, let hair dry naturally (air dry).
    • Avoid Thermal Damage by Hair Dryer.
      If you must use a hairdryer then it is better to use the cold air setting rather than hot air which can damage the hair.
    • Avoid Constant heating & drying
      Don’t subject your hair to frequent, constant heating and drying procedures. Heat weakens hair proteins, and constant heating and drying can lead to weakness and fragility that causes hair loss.
  15. Keep your head sweat-free.
    Men with oily hair, experience dandruff during summer due to sweating and the chances of hair fall increases. Using medicated shampoos can keep the head cool and prevent dandruff. Men who wear helmet sometimes experience hair loss in summer as the sweat accumulates in the pores and weakens hair roots causing hair loss in men. So wearing a scarf/ bandanna over your hair or a headband can help by absorbing the sweat.
  16. Change how you style your hair (for men with long hair).
    If you are losing your hair lately, you must loosen up your hair. Hairstyles such as ponytails, braids and artificial hairstyles pull hair or tug hair follicles, and can eventually cause baldness.
  17. Avoid harsh chemicals.
    Harsh chemicals and permanent hair colour products could be damaging for your hair. When you are experiencing hair loss, it is advised not to colour your hair or undergo any chemical treatments.
  18. Reduce alcoholic beverages.
    If you are experiencing hair loss then decrease your alcohol intake because drinking alcohol can impair the absorption of essential vitamins and thereby cause a reduction in hair growth.
  19. Avoid smoking.
    Smoking cigarettes reduces the amount of blood that flows to the scalp and this may cause a reduction in hair growth. Some studies also show an association between smoking and baldness in men.
  20. Regular physical activity.
    Make time for physical activity every day. Walk, swim or bike for 30 minutes every day if possible and alternate days at the least. This will help to balance the hormonal levels, reduce the stress levels and help in overall better health as well as reduce hair fall.
  21. Protect your hair from sun damage.
    You can use a hat which will protect your hair as well as skin. You should also avoid other sources of ultraviolet light. To know more about sun protection, you can read this article here.
  22. Do not tie your hair during monsoon.
    To avoid damage to the hair, wet hair should not be tied. Keeping that in mind, it is advisable that hair not be tied at all during monsoons. If the hair is tied when it gets wet in the rain, severe hair fall may occur as the hair is weakest then. Instead, one can use a clip to secure the hair if needed.
  23. The minimalistic approach during monsoons.
    During monsoons, the humid atmosphere can interact with the hydrogen bonds of your hair and cause it to swell up and become frizzy, wavy and prone to breakage. It is advisable to keep your hair routine to a minimum. Do not use any hair products like gel, mousse etc. during the rainy season. Another thing to remember is to wash your hair if it gets wet in the rain, then shampoo it, cleanse your scalp and dry it nicely.
  24. Oiling.
    Coconut oil is well suited for hair. Apply oil on the hair shafts and ends. People with oily scalp should not apply oil on the scalps. You can leave it on overnight and wash it off the next morning with a shampoo.
  25. Schedule appointments with doctors regularly.
    There are many health conditions, particularly skin-related conditions, that causes changes in hormonal balances which in turn lead to hair loss. Make sure you see a doctor regularly for your underlying illnesses and conditions. Also, be sure to ask your doctor about medications and supplements you take that might cause hair loss.